The NAXOS 1lt Outdoor Wall Light features a matt black finish with tempered clear glass.This is a perfect fitting for lighting a patio or placing beside a doorway.Complete with polished chrome, copper and brass plate lamp holder covers. Please note, the glass is not replaceable.
Alfons Habbel (verified owner) –
Works great Great service
DD14 (verified owner) –
Il prodotto arriva in una piccola scatoletta, il controller piccolo e ha una striscia di nastro biadesivo che permette di agganciarlo nel case un po ovunque, mi sarebbe piaciuto che avesse un magnete come le striscie, che permettesse di staccarlo e riattaccarlo a piacimento, le striscie sembrano solide e il software funziona bene, unico difetto il prezzo, veramente troppo alto. Arriva anche con qualche prolunga per facilitare il montaggio
Alison Gurney (verified owner) –
Love them. Sutts
Héctor Fernández (verified owner) –
Amazing. Playstation fans, must buy.
Lana (verified owner) –
Good but not Best. LBUDD
Situational Awareness (verified owner) –
i bought 2 sets of LEDS about 18 months ago and they are crap compared to this one. the control box is nicely made unlike the ones i purchased very impressed with these as you can tell
Nikki Boyer –
Used for my tv, picture on this dont look as good but in real life it looks way better
Karibia –
Bien pour 6 mois
L. Lowe –
amazing. FairMaiden
julie m –
Me gustan son cmodas pero pensaba que dara un pco ms de luz