The timeless Civic double-light flush fitting features polished chrome fretwork on the outer frame, laid over a frosted glass inner, and is finished with an opaque glass diffuser to soften the light. Glass diffuser included. It has a low profile, so is suitable for low ceiling heights.
Nicole Schwartz –
Lampadina led
Wendy Lovatt –
I use these on my dock for crappie fishing.
Gianni M. –
I bought this for a pantry. I looked over so many reviews of various lights thought this would be a winner. Unfortunately, the motion sensor didnt always work. Actually, it didnt work more than it did. The amount of light it provided for the pantry was great but its unreliability was an issue. Even when standing in front of it waving my hand back forth in the dark, it still wouldnt go on. Then suddenly on another attempt, it would. I ended up buying
lynne rose –
Bridge needed to use with Ambilight
joe heenan (verified owner) –
Great lights, great app. Never saw myself paying more than 50p for a light bulb in honesty but having now used I can confirm they are worth every penny and I wont go back.
Donna Kropp (verified owner) –
Fantastic light easy to install and very effective.
Agnieszka Gabrysiak –
Ich finde den Ventilator toll. Er wertet mein Wohnzimmer optisch auf, macht schnes warmes Licht, und verteilt die warme Ofen Luft fast geruschlos.Leider ist mein altes Model nach 6 Jahren kaputt durchgebrannt. Knnte unter Umstnden aber auch an meiner alten Elektroinstallation gelegen haben. Nach mehreren erfolglosen und kostspieligen Versuchen den Ventilator zu reparieren, habe ich ihn mir noch einmal neu gekauft. Das Model ist in den derweil ein Drittel gnstiger geworden.Leider hat er keinen Dimmer, wie das alte Model.Installation und Montage ist fr jeden machbar, der es sich zutraut.Ein Minuspunkt ist der knappe Platz fr die Elektronik.Lieferung war zgig und Problemlos.
keith whitbread (verified owner) –
I do like all the features
Dacre Selby –
belle ma un po piccole
A. Hill (verified owner) –
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